
How Blogs, Social Media, and Video Games Improve Education

The appearance of collaboration tools such as blogs, wikis, social media, and video games has altered the way individuals and organizations relate to one another. There is no longer any need to wait on professionals to share material and report on new developments.Click on the picture to read the full article.  

Education 2.0?Designing the web for teaching and learning.

Innovation gives technologists a chance to reflect on their practice and how the technology might be adapted to good educational effect. What is rarer and more difficult is for educators and technologists to collaborate in asking how teaching and learning might be made more productive and efficient with technology, what exactly that technology might be, and what is taught and to whom. These are some of the challenges addressed in this article. Read more>>

Learning 2.0: The Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and  Training in Europe.

This report synthesises the outcomes of the research project “Learning 2.0 – the Impact of Web 2.0 Innovations on Education and Training in Europe”, launched by the Institute for Prospective Technological (IPTS) in collaboration with the European Commission Directorate General Education and  Culture (DG EAC) at the beginning of 2008. The project aims to gather evidence on the take up of social  computing by European Education and Training (E&T) institutions, to understand its impact on innovations  in educational practice and its potential for a more inclusive European knowledge society, and to identify challenges and bottlenecks so as to devise policy options for European decision makers. Read more>>

Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers

New tools are emerging all the time, many not originally intended for education, but which can be put to good use by students and teachers alike to extent opportunities, enhance learning potential and develop the level of digital literacy that students will need for the 21st century.Read more>>

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